Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Being prepared is more than just having the basics for life. Lights, cell phones, music, games and laptops all require a power source. It is possible to survive without electricity, but it is not comfortable without advance planning. Technology can be accessed on or off the grid. Preparation is the key to comfort in a natural disaster, camping trip, picnic or time at home without power. Batteries have a limited life span, but there are alternatives. Muscle power can provide electric power. Lights, phones and other electronic devises can be powered by hand or by solar power.  When the same chargers are designated for both the fun times and as an alternative energy source for a blackout or disaster you have dynamic preparedness.

Visit http://www.crankwinder.com/ for chargers that will supply off the grid energy for cell phones, iPods, laptops, iPads, games and more.

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