Monday, August 9, 2010

Dynamic Preparedness

It is common knowledge that emergency preparedness is essential. Planning before a disaster happens can be the key to your safety and survival, because emergency help may not be able to reach you immediately. Basic services such as gas, electricity, phones and sanitation services could be cut off for days or even weeks. However, this preparation can be expensive, intimidating or perhaps even wasteful when unused goods reach their expiration date and need to be replaced.
The solution is to include emergency preparedness into your lifestyle. At the same time you allow for your lifestyle and basic comforts, including technology, to remain available to you in times of disaster. This is dynamic preparedness. It is more than a trash can full of supplies in the garage. Dynamic preparedness is the deluxe plan. It is the most economical way to prepare for disaster. It is also makes it easier to cope with an emergency.

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