Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September is National Preparedness Month

Preparing for an emergency need not be all doom and gloom. The same items that see us through an emergency can make our daily lives more convenient and outdoor recreation more fun. A flashlight is more than an emergency tool. We listen to the radio for entertainment. Light sticks are standard Halloween items. Sleeping bags and tents are camping items. Conversely, cell phones, laptops and even televisions can be powered by 12 volt battery, solar or hand crank energy, keeping them powered even during a blackout.

We need to stop segregating emergency preparedness items. All emergency items are multi-use. We do not need to stockpile emergency items out of fear, because preparedness is more than a trash can full of supplies in the garage. We need to keep useful items readily available for all our activities. Use the supplies in your emergency kit when picnicking, camping or boating. Use the items you keep in your car. Drink the water. Do not be afraid to use the first aid supplies. Eat the nutrition bars. Then replenish your supply kit. There are many products that, used on an everyday basis can save money, as well as benefit us during an emergency.

For more information, visit http://www.CrankWinder.com/

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Deluxe parparedness for people who enjoy comfort

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency. Yet when a disaster happens, even among those who are prepared, some will live better than others. Emergency preparedness means having the basics for survival including, food, water and essential emergency supplies. Deluxe preparedness is all about upgrading. Nutrition bars are good, but including hot meals in an emergency kit offers greater variety. Water storage is necessary but including single size servings such as Aqua Blox and Aqua Literz make things easier, especially for children. The ability to take a hot shower when the utilities are off, and the availability of a working cell phone, laptop, television and other everyday comforts make a bad situation more tolerable. Deluxe preparedness is for people who enjoy comfort.
Visit CrankWinder.com for ideas.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Know your Supplies

Do not wait until a disaster happens to read the packing slip on an emergency preparedness kit. This is a stressful time, and it will be more difficult to read and understand instructions. Know what supplies are in the kit, and be familiar with the packaging. The best way to do this is to use these supplies. Many of the items needed in an emergency are useful for picnicking, camping or boating. Use them during a fun time. Use the items you keep in your car. Drink the water. Use the first aid supplies. Eat the banana chips. Then replenish your supply kit.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not Just for Emergencies

Bad things happen, and we cannot control our environment. Earthquakes strike without warning. We can run from hurricanes, but we cannot steer them away. Storms can bring unmerciful rain causing rivers to swell and dams to break, or bring snow and ice that closes roads and leaves people stranded. Tornadoes can run rampant through a community. As a result, power outages can occur and last for days. All these things put people’s lives at risk.

That is probably why messages that urge us to be prepared sound apocalyptic. Every one should be prepared. This is pretty common knowledge. Yes, being unprepared can be dangerous. However, preparing for an emergency need not be all doom and gloom. The same items that see us through an emergency can make our daily lives more convenient and outdoor recreation more fun.

A flashlight is more than an emergency tool. We listen to the radio for entertainment. Light sticks are standard Halloween items. Sleeping bags and tents are camping items. We keep first aid supplies on hand at home. Does anyone leave their ice chest sit unused in the garage because someday the refrigerator may not have power?

Once we stop segregating emergency preparedness items, we begin practicing dynamic preparedness. All emergency items are multi-use. We do not need to stockpile emergency items out of fear. We need to keep useful items readily available for all our activities.

Find useful items at http://www.crankwinder.com/

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Being prepared is more than just having the basics for life. Lights, cell phones, music, games and laptops all require a power source. It is possible to survive without electricity, but it is not comfortable without advance planning. Technology can be accessed on or off the grid. Preparation is the key to comfort in a natural disaster, camping trip, picnic or time at home without power. Batteries have a limited life span, but there are alternatives. Muscle power can provide electric power. Lights, phones and other electronic devises can be powered by hand or by solar power.  When the same chargers are designated for both the fun times and as an alternative energy source for a blackout or disaster you have dynamic preparedness.

Visit http://www.crankwinder.com/ for chargers that will supply off the grid energy for cell phones, iPods, laptops, iPads, games and more.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dynamic Preparedness

It is common knowledge that emergency preparedness is essential. Planning before a disaster happens can be the key to your safety and survival, because emergency help may not be able to reach you immediately. Basic services such as gas, electricity, phones and sanitation services could be cut off for days or even weeks. However, this preparation can be expensive, intimidating or perhaps even wasteful when unused goods reach their expiration date and need to be replaced.
The solution is to include emergency preparedness into your lifestyle. At the same time you allow for your lifestyle and basic comforts, including technology, to remain available to you in times of disaster. This is dynamic preparedness. It is more than a trash can full of supplies in the garage. Dynamic preparedness is the deluxe plan. It is the most economical way to prepare for disaster. It is also makes it easier to cope with an emergency.